I love to play! Games are fun! I play stalking games with Baggle and I like to play stair chase with the furniture. I tag something in the basement, run upstairs, through the kitchen, over the dining room table, across the cedar chest in the living room, up the stairs and through the hall into Mommy and Daddy’s office, tag my housie and do the whole thing in reverse a few times. It’s good exercise!
But I like to play quiet sometimes too. I play flinch with Mommy and Daddy on the bed and I jump at hands before they get me. I also like to play blog games!
Okay, I’ve never played a blog game. But now I am. Mommy tagged me!
In this game I get to tell you seven random things about me. I didn’t think I could do it, because I don't think I have any random things. At least, my doctor never found any, not even the new Ohio doctor. Mommy told me random is saying just anything about me. It’s not something you see. Whew! I didn’t want to think I had randoms I didn’t know about!
So, I do get to play! I just tell you 7 anythings about me!
1. I don’t like dogs. I’ve only met one dog that I was introduced to, but I don’t like him. I hissed at him and he growled back. It’s a mutual thing.
2. It bugs me that my brother doesn’t respect cat ways! When I scratch by my treat dish to say I’m done but I’ll be back to finish the rest, he eats it anyway! Aunt Azzie taught me manners when I was a kitten! Fortunately Mommy respects cat ways and puts my treat away for later for me before Baggle gets it.
3. I still like to play with milk rings.
4. I like to be brushed.
5. Baggle and I are both adopted.
6. I like to crunch my treats and my kibble one piece at a time.
7. Even though I call my blog Behind Orange Eyes, Mommy says my eyes are yellow. It’s my fur that’s orange.
Now I want everyone that reads to play too! If you’re a cat and you don’t have a blog of your own, well, why not? If you don't want to start a blog, I understand. My Daddy doesn’t really ever blog either and he types way better than Mommy! So, if you don’t have a blog, leave your 7 things in the comments, or borrow one of your human staff member’s blogs! It’s fun!