In the show, the leaves are the bad guys who are trying to hide the grass and the acorns from Chipmunk and Squirrely. Uncle Scott plays the Leaf Terminator, a hero from a distant land who brings a machine that will push the leaves in the street. Daddy plays his sidekick who uses 2 rakes to help Leaf Terminator get all of the leaves away.
I’m not saying anything bad about Daddy or Uncle Scott. They are great actors! But the script is why it’s a Sunday morning show and not a summer sunny day show. To make it work at all they had to get big names like Chipmunk and Squirrely in the show and Chipmunk and Squirrely don’t even make an appearance! They’re just the reason why getting the leaves away is important. And the story is so simple. Last year we tried the Pay-Per-View, Leaf Grinder. It starred an actor I don’t know who is a popular paid actor from another street. It was okay, but Mommy didn’t want to get the Pay-Per-View again because we weren’t that interested.
In the first movie, Rake Man, the leaves are raked into the street, but some of them stay and that’s enough to make more leaves. You knew there was going to be a sequel! You leave some, you get more. Well, duh! We leave dog treats for Santa Paws and he leaves us treats AND toys in our stockings. That’s where that idea came from.
The sequel has a little more action in it, but there was an intermission and an infomercial! It seems Uncle Scott was paid extra to come in from the TV and tell about how you can get a noisy blower just like the Leaf Terminator. I think that would, be scary. But it would scare Carla too. Hmmm… Does the infomercial sell earplugs?
The sad thing is, Daddy is IN the movie and he is thinking about it. Maybe he wants to be the star next time.